Where Can I Get Checked Mechanics Homework Solutions?

When you have mechanics homework, you can be very busy. The work is rather involved and it can take hours. If you can find a site where you can actually check your answers, then you will find out how accurate your work is. You can look at the textbook publisher’s site, at your teacher’s site, join a mechanics' homework group, or hire a tutor.

Places to Look

  • Textbook Site-many publishing houses will have a link or code that will allow students to check their answers. Sometimes only the odd or even ones are given, and in some cases all of them are given. The work will probably not be shown, since it is mandatory to show your work when solving a problem in the class. But you can check your solutions for accuracy at these sites.
  • Teachers Site-your teacher may not have a site, but many teachers have decided to set one up for their students. If your instructor does not have one, you can ask if he or she would be willing to do one for you. Again, the work will not be shown completely, as most teachers are not going to hand feed you the work and the solutions.
  • Mechanics’ Homework Group-be smart and start a study group. You can invite peers who you know will be an asset to the group and carry their weight. You can even make the group an online venture, so meeting up is not such a chore. You can meet at any time from the comfort of your bedroom.
  • Hire a tutor-if you are in over your head or if none of these other spots have not worked well for you, then you may have to hire a tutor. If you lag behind, you may never catch up in this challenging class. You can decide how often you will meet at know that you probably will have to pay at least $30.00 per a 45 minute session. You must make sure to go to all sessions, as some tutors charge you even when you do not come for the session.

When completing your mechanics assignments and needing to find answers for checking then you can look at the textbook site, go to your teacher’s site, form a homework group, or hire a tutor. One or more of these places should provide the solutions you need.

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